Preview of the IV International ACCART Congress in Cartagena with Dr. Olaf Beck

Get an exciting insight into the IV International ACCART Congress 2023 with Dr. Olaf Beck. Learn more about orthobiology, joint maintenance, minimally invasive surgery, and benefits for patients.
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Photo of the city of Cartagena, Colombia, you can see the coast and the city
Photo of the city of Cartagena, Colombia, you can see the coast and the city

What is ACCART?

ACCART stands for “Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía Artroscópica”, which means “Colombian Association of Arthroscopic Surgery” in English. This organization is dedicated to promoting arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgical procedures, particularly in the area of orthopedics. ACCART brings together professionals who are engaged in the development, education and research in arthroscopic surgery to promote knowledge sharing and improve patient care.

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that involves making small incisions in the skin to insert an arthroscope (a type of optic) and surgical instruments. This technique is often used to diagnose and treat joint problems and has the advantage of offering less pain, shorter recovery times and a lower risk of infection compared to open surgical procedures.

The lectures by Dr. Olaf Beck:

We would like to give you an exciting preview of the upcoming IV International ACCART Congress, which will take place from June 7 to 9, 2023 in the beautiful city of Cartagena de India. ACCART (Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía Artroscópica) is putting together a fascinating agenda for this event. The renowned expert Dr. Olaf Beck will present his knowledge and experience in the areas of orthobiology, joint maintenance and minimally invasive surgery.

June 7 — Orthobiology and bone marrow edema

On the first day of the conference, the focus is expected to be on orthobiological topics. At 14:00, Dr. Olaf Beck will talk about bone marrow edema of the knee, which could be about the diagnosis and treatment of this common disease. Following this, at 2:20 p.m., he could present another presentation on the indications and application of a cell-free matrix for the treatment of cartilage defects. These promising therapeutic approaches have the potential to improve patients' quality of life and slow the progression of joint problems.

June 8 — Meniscal injuries and their treatment

On the second day, Dr. Beck will start a presentation on meniscus injuries and their treatment at 9:30 a.m. In particular, he could address the results following biological meniscus implantations using CMI implants as an example. These innovative approaches could help restore joint function and prevent long-term complications.

June 9 — Joint maintenance in osteoarthritis

On the last day of the conference, participants will be able to expect a top-class lecture from Dr. Olaf Beck on joint preservation in osteoarthritis using cell-free matrices and spongy implants. This presentation could discuss the latest advances in osteoarthritis treatment and show ways in which patients could benefit from these innovative therapeutic approaches.


It is a great honor to be the only European doctor to join ACCART, as this represents recognition of outstanding expertise and experience in the field of arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery. Membership in this renowned Colombian organization makes it possible to actively participate in international knowledge exchange and expand one's own practice through insights into the latest developments and research. This special award underlines the importance of cooperation across national and cultural borders and promotes the global development of innovative medical approaches for patients worldwide.

The 4th International ACCART Congress will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments and advances in orthobiology, joint maintenance and minimally invasive surgery. Participation in this event will be of great benefit to professionals and interested parties alike. We hope that this preview has sparked your interest and are looking forward to the upcoming event with experts such as Dr. Olaf Beck.

After the lectures, Mr. Beck will travel on to Bogotá, Colombia, to carry out a surgical course in the area of regenerative joint orthopedics.

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